Sunday, March 18, 2012


I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like parades. If you don’t like parades don’t tell me because that would be sad. I find them a bit odd sometimes with their collection of cars (which aren’t floats), advertisements for things like handbags and contractors and the strange way that people can’t seem to keep the same amount of distance between them and the people in front of them as if it is some kind of complicated quadratic equation. But otherwise they seem like a fun time all the way around.
Three things that am I grateful for today…

1. Watching a parade with my family in the gorgeous weather complete with a 5K before it and the chance to cheer for Oma and Mommy with my niece.
2. Hanging out with my awesome niece and dog for some extra time.
3. A quiet and lovely dinner at an amazing restaurant with my favorite person.

I am exhausted, the dog is exhausted, the boyfriend is exhausted which I believe equals a successful day here.

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