Saturday, March 17, 2012

Makes Us Stronger

Some people believe that things happen for a reason, some believe in fate, some in complete randomness. The truth is that no matter what you believe life is going to keep happening no matter what the reason. It isn’t the things themselves that are significant but rather our reactions to them. How we can look back later and learn from how we have interacted with these events. Three things that I am grateful for today…

1.       1. A conversation with a friend who is far away. He is on his own personal adventure but talking to him re-inspired me towards mine. It also felt so good to see a familiar face and hear a familiar voice of someone who I enjoy so much.
2.       2. A conversation with someone who I don’t talk to enough and who I should talk to more. Mostly because we have so much in common while being such different people. It is refreshing to have someone understand, respect and still give a fresh perspective.
3.       3. Helping a friend clean before he moves. While I am sad he is moving away I feel so proud to know people who are successful and happy with their lives. It felt good to help someone who in the past has helped me and been there for me.

Clearly we are all on our own paths and working on our own lives. We can’t control what others do and how they act. We can only control how we react. Who are you going to effect today? What positive event will you add to the world. You may be surprised to know that someone seeing your smile over a webcam could be that thing. 


  1. Wish I could remember who said it, but it reminds me of the quote "Be the change you wish to see in the world."
