Thursday, March 22, 2012

Drop The Ball and Pick It Up

Leave it to me to drop the ball two days in a row but in all fairness I did get a bunch of stuff done in those two days which made me feel better about life. It looks like I may be starting work next week instead of the week after and that has accelerated the time frame of clean laundry and dishes.
For those of you not familiar with depression and how it works you may be interested to know that it is incredibly unpredictable. Some days you feel awesome and some days not so much but the idea of moving forward may be tough to swallow. It is always easier to just throw ones hands up in the air and say bugger it all. I have been reminded by two people in the past few days how important it is to move forward even if you only go a few inches.
One of these persons has already decided that he does not want to be happy. He makes all those around him miserable and as a result nobody who knows him wants to be there. We all want to help but what can you do for someone who is not even interested in looking inside himself and seeing what is there.
The other is a fellow for whom I have the highest respect. He is open and smart. I love that he has emotions and frustrations like the rest of us and that he can say "I give up". But then can ask for advice and work at understanding and say that he is going to get up and try it out again from a new angle. He reminds me to start fresh and see what the world has for me.
Three things that am grateful for today...

1. The chance to work on trip planning again. So far National Parks are getting my huge thumbs up.
2. Not having to go anywhere.
3. Having new face wash and moisturizer dropped off for me. Yay for being clean!
4. Snuggle time with the dog in the morning.
5. Having normal dreams. Well... normal for me ;)
6. Arlo Guthrie.

I know, that's six things. But I missed a few days in there so I am compensating. And moving forward.

1 comment:

  1. I truly think that unless a person has experienced depression, they have no way of understanding the ways it affects the afflicted. (Have you heard of dysthymia?)
    Take care Sarah -
