Thursday, September 13, 2012

What Time Zone Are We In?

We have been in Idaho for about a week. It is, so far a wonderful experience. The folks we are staying with are very flexible about the time that things get done and how we do them. They aren’t morning people and have no problem with when we choose to do things generally. We have been getting up about 9am every morning. Or so we thought. It turns out that if you are crossing multiple time zones and want to get up on time that it is a good idea to set ALL of the clocks in the space you live. We have three of them. One on the dash which I duteously set to the correct time the second Andrew said “Hey, we passed over into Mountain Time Zone”, one on the computer which I don’t care about and one on our alarm clock which is arguably the most important. It turns out that we have not been getting up at 9am every day but 10am because I forgot to reset the alarm clock.

When Billy asked if we could get up a bit early and see Kate off on her shopping day, get last minute instructions and get some things done when she was gone we were happy to oblige. And when I got to the house looking terribly confused and trying to figure out the actual time they were both amused and wonderful about it. Kate tells me every day that time doesn’t exist at the farm and she is usually correct. All the same, I am happy to have all the clocks set to the correct time zone again. 

Sunday, September 2, 2012

What Day Is It?

It seems like we have been traveling for months and when we looked at the calendar it is actually only two weeks since we left Fargo which feels very far away almost like another country. The overwhelming feeling of meeting new people, not knowing the bus routes and taking in so many new experiences can be a bit frustrating. I think that we underestimate the effort that travel of any kind takes. You are in the most basic terms taking everything that your body recognizes as "normal" and changing it all at once.
I remember in China after I has eaten so many wonderful foods and didn't feel well that Jess's suggestion that we eat something that my body recognized as food, like the pasta that we ultimately found was perfect. It was my way of resetting the body clock and reminding my body that with all the new things happening I still remembered those that we all felt comfortable with.
We also lose the sense of time and schedule. This is especially true if we travel outside our time zone or completely stop things that help us keep track of time like work. After I quit my job and had been on the road for about a week I started to forget what day it was. My dad, who is doing his sabbatical in Munich is experiencing much the same feeling and he writes that he is trying to get into a rhythm after having been there a week. I think that we take for granted those things that help us regulate how we view that passage of time and how to plan it.

For the next five months this lifestyle is going to be "normal" for us. Every month or so we will move again to a new place and try something out. Right about the time we feel comfortable and normal again we will move and start again. The trade off for this crazy switch every few months has already started. The opportunity to meet so many new people and try different things has, so far proven completely worth the jolt of taking the whole house with us to a new location. Hopefully soon this place, no matter where it sits will feel like home.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What The Hell Am I Doing?

For those of you just joining this blog or who may not be apprised of what has happened here is the story. A few months ago I sold almost everything that I own, bought an RV and decided to travel across the country. Crazy you say? Yes it is. Let's meet the participants...

That is me. I am the idiot who decided to take the insane trip.  

his is Andrew. I'm not sure why he is here but he drives the RV and does useful things like make sure it's filled with oil and keeps me from having a mental breakdown.  

And this guy is Almont. My friend Christina decided that there may not have been enough of us so she gave us a companion. He isn't very chatty but takes things as they come.  

That's Bella. She is cute. And that's about it. 

The plan is this. Leave Fargo and drive to Seattle, which we have already done. It has been an eventful week and a half and as I write this I can't believe that is has only been that long. It seems some days like we have been doing this for a year. We will spend some time seeing cool things and having weird stuff happen which I will update you on in the following days. Then we head to a neat little farm in Idaho for about a month to work. After that, across the country again with stops in various places to St. Louis for the Men's Roller Derby Association National Championship in October and hopefully to the east coast for another stay on a farm there. In the end the goal is to be in Fort Collins, CO for Andrew to go to school. We have to goal of seeing all 50 states in three years. For those of you keeping score at home so far we have MN, ND, MT and WA. We did drive across the small part of ID so you can count that as well. See you all on the road!

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Never To Many Clamps

My RV is very old and the cabinet doors have a habit of slamming down on your fingers at the most inopportune times. Usually when I am trying to put the peanut butter back or find a place for the chips. My head and fingers have started to dread visits to the places that we keep everything that we need. 

I found the solution to this problem at the most unexpected place. I went to a wedding. Two friends were getting married… to each other and I was lucky enough to score an invitation. As most of you know I am not generally a fan of weddings but this wedding gave me a huge boost of hope and joy for a few reasons. First of all it was sort of like a mini reunion. Several of the people that I went to high school were in attendance because they had kept in touch with both of these people. I remembered how I felt when I was in high school with these folks. They are smart, interesting and motivated people. Not exactly how I felt back then. I felt more like I had no direction or motivation. I felt out of place pretty much everywhere no matter how kind people were. When I saw all of these man and women again they were kind, joyful and successful. They had lovely families and wonderful stories in which they contributed good things to the world. I went into the day feeling overwhelmed by the impending trip and lifestyle change and left feeling revitalized, encouraged and excited.
The second thing that gave me hope was the clamps. The groom’s father passed away a few years back and was a large fan of clamps. Rightly so, they hold things in place, temporarily fix things and organize. They really are the all purpose tool. Every table came equipped with its own set of lovely clamps which we were encouraged to take with us. It turns out that these clamps are the perfect size and strength to hold up my cabinets doors. It was almost like someone planned it that way. Someone mentally said “Here take these useful clamps and a whole bunch of joy!” We don’t know the impression that we leave in life by just being who we are. Sometimes life can be hard and we are afraid to take the next step towards joy for fear something will break or fall apart. And in the end we realize that as we go through life and all we really need to succeed is the love of our friends… and maybe a few clamps.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Programmer Love

There are things that I do might do well. Things like cooking or organizing or speaking or even writing. Other people do useful things, like engineering and computer programming. They do cool stuff like create shortcuts and make your mouse look like a light saber. You know, useful stuff.

I would not classify my job as exciting exactly. I enter information, do calculations and sit in meetings much like the rest of the world. I try my best to pay attention to things going on around me despite my low-focus personality. One day I had an experience that reminded me that life is greatly about our point of view. I should remember the things that Obi Wan teaches but I remind you of my low-focus problem. I was training on a new computer program in a meeting when I remembered. I remembered the cancel button. Let me first say that having your own personal company computer programmer that will do anything that you ask, like teach your computer to make toast and put you into the Matrix with a shortcut key, is pretty badass. But the best invention ever is the cancel button.

The first thing that happens when you press the wrong button at work, after you swear, is the box that says “are you sure you want to do this stupid thing that you just did?” Yes or No? Well crap. What if I say yes and it blows up the building? Or say no and I disappear forever? The trusty solution is a cancel button that comes from the simplest place of all. Love.

When our programmer was working on a project his wife told him that one of her biggest frustrations is not fear, it is that there is no other choice, yes or no is it. And we just went through what the options are there. His solution? Cancel. Yep, you can just cancel the mistake. Cancel your screw up. Cancel all the pain that you may have caused yourself in life with one simple button. And all of this from the minds of the people around him as they try and find more ways to work harder, longer and make more money. His point of view? Probably that if it works for him and makes his wife happy that it may just do that same for the world. How do programmers say I Love You? They just hit Cancel.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Don't Wait

Recently I put up a group on facebook for the trip we are planning to take. For those of you unaware of what this will entail let me brief you.
In August we are going to pack up our RV (which we don’t own yet so if you find a good deal let us know) and head to Seattle for a roller derby bout, my last one with my current team. We will spend about two weeks in the Seattle area before going to southern Idaho for a farm stay which we found on HelpX. I will always be grateful for the lovely friend who recommended it to me. After that we go back to Fargo for just a quick stop then to Chicago and St. Louis, MO where I will be announcing the MRDA National tournament. Next stop London, Ontario to visit my cousin, Niagara Falls and then the East Coast. We need to be in Colorado at the latest by January 22nd for spring semester at the college. This would mean that I would drive by the campus in the RV and push Andrew’s dirty hippy butt out the door. We would obviously like to arrive before that.

I have been wanting to take a trip like this for a while. I actually would rather live in the RV but there is some give and take when someone agrees to go with you. After I started the group to stay in touch with everyone along our route one of my friends got really excited and lots of people said that they would like to do something like this one day. For the last ten years I have dealt with lots of other peoples “stuff”, their businesses, personal lives and dreams. Every time I think about my own I get side tracked.

My advice to everyone… Don’t Wait! Go now. Adventure now. Live now. Don’t get to ten years later and wish that you had done that one thing that you have always wanted to do. It may not work out or go the way you think but at least you will have tried it and had the experience. We all have to so things like work and maintenance but don’t wait on the things you love. Find a way to adventure.
This being said, between August and January we will be on the road. If it doesn’t go as planned you may be getting a call from me. If that happens please be kind and come to get me! In the mean time I will see you all on the road!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Drop The Ball and Pick It Up

Leave it to me to drop the ball two days in a row but in all fairness I did get a bunch of stuff done in those two days which made me feel better about life. It looks like I may be starting work next week instead of the week after and that has accelerated the time frame of clean laundry and dishes.
For those of you not familiar with depression and how it works you may be interested to know that it is incredibly unpredictable. Some days you feel awesome and some days not so much but the idea of moving forward may be tough to swallow. It is always easier to just throw ones hands up in the air and say bugger it all. I have been reminded by two people in the past few days how important it is to move forward even if you only go a few inches.
One of these persons has already decided that he does not want to be happy. He makes all those around him miserable and as a result nobody who knows him wants to be there. We all want to help but what can you do for someone who is not even interested in looking inside himself and seeing what is there.
The other is a fellow for whom I have the highest respect. He is open and smart. I love that he has emotions and frustrations like the rest of us and that he can say "I give up". But then can ask for advice and work at understanding and say that he is going to get up and try it out again from a new angle. He reminds me to start fresh and see what the world has for me.
Three things that am grateful for today...

1. The chance to work on trip planning again. So far National Parks are getting my huge thumbs up.
2. Not having to go anywhere.
3. Having new face wash and moisturizer dropped off for me. Yay for being clean!
4. Snuggle time with the dog in the morning.
5. Having normal dreams. Well... normal for me ;)
6. Arlo Guthrie.

I know, that's six things. But I missed a few days in there so I am compensating. And moving forward.

Monday, March 19, 2012

They Are In the Ignition

As I was talking to a friend today she asked me what made me stay in my abusive relationships. For those of you unfamiliar with my background on this, I have a habit of choosing boyfriends very unwisely. The abuse varied from mental, emotional, sexual and physical abuse. These happened quite awhile ago and I am more than happy to talk with people and share my experiences so that they are more educated about how to prevent and stop it when it happens.
I could spew all kinds of psychological garbage about my family and how I grew up and all of that. And in a way that is always true since those things influence us in a huge way but as I spent the day pondering our chat I thought to myself, could it be that my stubborn nature is the biggest factor. That thought that I have put all this time and effort into something and I won’t have it fail now. I shake my tiny virtual fist in the air and hope the universe hears me.
It is the same thing that prevents me from posting in the blog when the writing isn’t “perfect” or from cleaning if I can’t get it “all” done. Sometimes we have to take what we can get and do what we can and hope the universe actually responds to that. So every day I try and clean one thing and be happy with what I did accomplish.  
I was explaining this project of mine to another friend today and he said “I hope that you don’t run out of things to be grateful for but I don’t think you will.” So far I agree completely. I am happily finding all kinds of things to be grateful for in my world.

Three things that I am grateful for today…

1. Perkins. Sounds odd I know. But today was a busy and stressful day and neither of us wanted to cook. Our waitress was super nice and we had a quiet stress free meal. I am glad there is some place in the area that serves food after 8pm.
2. AAA. Man those folks are awesome. I never have a bad phone call with them or have anyone angry or rude talk to me. The guy came and unlocked my  car fast and politely and I was on my way. That $70 is a good investment every year.
3. Funny neighbors. We rode up the elevator with our next store neighbor and he overheard us talking about something. He giggled a bit and smiled and when I smiled back he said “Yeah, I know lots of people like that.” We were talking about unhappy people who want to be miserable. I am happy that we are not like that.


I was so tired last night that I forgot to post so I hope this is alright. While at the parade on Saturday my father and brother somehow convinced my other half that it was a good idea to come over on Sunday and help them move a piano. Quick back story… My father lives in a ginormous Victorian house in the country which needs to have the hardwood refinished. The piano actually belongs to my mother and has been living with my dad for a long time. So the timing seems to work perfectly. The idea was to move the piano directly into the pickup truck and out my mom’s but the brake line broke and needs to be fixed before said piano can be loaded. So, into the garage goes the piano. My dad does not lift things after he slipped a disc a few years back but does like to be involved in the processes. Every time we do something like this as a family I feel like I am watching my life being narrated by Jene Sheperd. I don’t know if you have ever moved a piano before but they are very large and not exactly weighted to be moveable. The process actually went better than any of us expected although I never thought that I would hear myself say to my father “get your head out from under the damn piano!” while it was on a ramp. Things I am grateful for today…

1. Time with my family. Even if sometimes families can drive you crazy they still get things about you that no one else does.
2. Test driving trucks with the boyfriend. This is his first vehicle that he will own. Kind of cool to relive that experience.
3. How awesome and well behaved my dog is. While my niece is the coolest person that I know I can imagine that for an eleven year old dog it can be a lot of action hanging out with a four year old for two days in a row. Bella takes everything that happens in stride.

I told my mom that one day I would write a book about our family. She asked me change the names or let her know so that she could move and change hers. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like parades. If you don’t like parades don’t tell me because that would be sad. I find them a bit odd sometimes with their collection of cars (which aren’t floats), advertisements for things like handbags and contractors and the strange way that people can’t seem to keep the same amount of distance between them and the people in front of them as if it is some kind of complicated quadratic equation. But otherwise they seem like a fun time all the way around.
Three things that am I grateful for today…

1. Watching a parade with my family in the gorgeous weather complete with a 5K before it and the chance to cheer for Oma and Mommy with my niece.
2. Hanging out with my awesome niece and dog for some extra time.
3. A quiet and lovely dinner at an amazing restaurant with my favorite person.

I am exhausted, the dog is exhausted, the boyfriend is exhausted which I believe equals a successful day here.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Makes Us Stronger

Some people believe that things happen for a reason, some believe in fate, some in complete randomness. The truth is that no matter what you believe life is going to keep happening no matter what the reason. It isn’t the things themselves that are significant but rather our reactions to them. How we can look back later and learn from how we have interacted with these events. Three things that I am grateful for today…

1.       1. A conversation with a friend who is far away. He is on his own personal adventure but talking to him re-inspired me towards mine. It also felt so good to see a familiar face and hear a familiar voice of someone who I enjoy so much.
2.       2. A conversation with someone who I don’t talk to enough and who I should talk to more. Mostly because we have so much in common while being such different people. It is refreshing to have someone understand, respect and still give a fresh perspective.
3.       3. Helping a friend clean before he moves. While I am sad he is moving away I feel so proud to know people who are successful and happy with their lives. It felt good to help someone who in the past has helped me and been there for me.

Clearly we are all on our own paths and working on our own lives. We can’t control what others do and how they act. We can only control how we react. Who are you going to effect today? What positive event will you add to the world. You may be surprised to know that someone seeing your smile over a webcam could be that thing. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Through a New Lens

Earlier today I promised to write every day and to find three things every day to be thankful for. This will be my first post and although it may be brief I am going to post it none the less.

1. My derby family. Especially Messi Jigler for getting me involved (even though I am not sure she knew what we were all in for lol). You all contribute to my world in a way I never thought possible.
2.The weather FINALLY getting better.
3. For a new job which will allow me to save money for things I love to do.

Facebook can be an odd thing. I believe that sometimes people let it control them instead of the other way around. Today though, it helped me to find a place to find discount glasses, connect with a friend who is moving and showed me the support that I get from people who are far away from hugging range. The next year is bringing lots of change for me and I hope that you will all be a part of the adventure ahead. Lets roll!